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About Us

The Glenview Concert Band is a community band comprised of volunteer adults throughout the Chicagoland area. Founded in 1985, the Band is based in Glenview, Illinois, and performs concerts at a variety of venues around the north suburbs of Chicago. The Band is led by Director Greg Wojcik, who retired after over 37 years of teaching at Glenbrook South High School. The Band is sponsored by the Glenview Park District. Our members have diverse backgrounds and careers. While some are professional musicians, most find us a welcome place to continue their love of playing their instruments even though they are not professional musicians. We play many genres of music: classical, contemporary, popular, marches, and showtunes. Come hear us play, dust off your instrument and join us for a rehearsal, or book us for an event!


40th Anniversary Celebration Concert

SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2025  | 3:00 PM


Next Concert


2024/25 Season

The 2024-2025 season marks the Glenview Concert Band's 40th anniversary making music in Glenview.  Come celebrate with us at one of our concerts and check back as we update our schedule throughout the year.

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Book the Band!

The Glenview Concert Band is available to play concerts around the Chicago area throughout the year. Typically, we perform as a 50-60 piece concert band, but we also feature a component Dixieland Band, as well as several smaller specialty ensembles (4-10 players), upon request. If you are interested in booking the Band or for pricing information, please email


Join the Band!

The Glenview Concert Band is open to all adults. We do not have auditions. All are welcome! Although we have some professional musicians, many of our members have other professions and continue to play because of their love of music. The music we play is not for beginners, but many find us a welcome place to rejuvenate their love for band. To join, visit us during one of our rehearsals. Bring your instrument and give us a try! Rehearsals are Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Band Room at Glenbrook South High School. Click here for Directions. The annual membership fee is $60 to help defray operating costs. If you have questions, contact us at


We Value Your Support

Please consider making a donation to Glenview Concert Band.

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